Manga Meets Music: A Deep-Dive Interview with Princess Laurinda
Uncover the creative fusion of music and manga in #MidnightEspressoEdition , where sound and visuals collide in a groundbreaking journey.
#interview #MusicMeetsManga #ImmersiveArt #art #SoundAndVision #EDM #DarkElectronica
Uncover the creative fusion of music and manga in #MidnightEspressoEdition , where sound and visuals collide in a groundbreaking journey.
#interview #MusicMeetsManga #ImmersiveArt #art #SoundAndVision #EDM #DarkElectronica

Midnight Espresso Unveiled: An Exclusive Interview with Princess Laurinda.
The interview with Nexth iTV and Nexth Life Magazine delves into Princess Laurinda’s latest project, Midnight Espresso: Brand Art Emotion Remix Edition - Manga Edition, an ambitious fusion of music, manga-inspired visuals, and immersive storytelling.
5 days ago